WORLD MACHAL - Volunteers from overseas in the Israel Defense Forces

Mordejai Craysman

World Machal has received some basic information and several video clip interviews of the late Mordejai Craysman, formerly from Urugway who volunteered for Machal in the War of Independence.  We are grateful to his granddaughter Magali Craysman for sending this material and we hope to receive more as she researches and collects from family members. She writes:

Morejai was born in Uruguay to Immigrants from what today would be Ukraine or Poland (not sure). He had 3 sisters and they all immigrated to Israel at different points in time (it is not clear when each sibling came). He went back to Argentina after having married my grandmother here in Kibbutz Mefalsim and having their eldest daughter Pnina. In Argentina they had a son, Julio (my father, who passed away in December 2020). In 1999 they came back to Israel and they lived here up until my grandmother’s passing in 2009. He went back to Argentina where he passed away in 2014.
I am trying to reconstruct his life story of his years during his first Aliyah where he volunteered in Machal. I’ve heard from my father that we was in the artillery unit and that’s how he lost some of his hearing, but it’s a family story and not a proven fact.
Below is a youtube playlist of interviews in Spanish with Mordejai z”l.